Coronation Street Wiki

Yasmeen Metcalfe (previously Nazir) is a resident of 6 Coronation Street and the co-owner of Speed Daal along with her granddaughter Alya.

A former librarian, Yasmeen was made redundant with the closure of Weatherfield Community Library in 2014. As the Nazirs moved into No.6 - Yasmeen, her first husband Sharif, their widowed son Kal, and grandchildren Alya and Zeedan - Yasmeen tried her hand at running the new community centre, Jamila House. Gradually Yasmeen was left alone as Kal was tragically killed in the Victoria Court fire in 2015 and the following year Yasmeen kicked Sharif out over his seven-year affair with her friend Sonia Rahman.

After Zeedan moved to London, Yasmeen began working at his Victoria Street restaurant Speed Daal as a cook and bought a share in the establishment in 2019. That same year, she married Geoff Metcalfe, a man who doted on her but had a controlling nature. In 2020, when threatened by Geoff, Yasmeen stabbed him in the neck, unable to bear his abuse any more. He recovered, but Yasmeen was charged with attempted murder and remanded in custody at Norcross Prison pending trial. She was subsequently found not guilty of the charge in December of that year. Since then, she has tried to get her life back on track and in 2022 she found love again with chef Stu Carpenter, who now lives with her at No.6.


Ken do something
"Ken, do something!"
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Yasmeen was born on 16th September 1953 and brought up in Lahore, Pakista where her beloved father ran a restaurant which was small in size but big on principles. Yasmeen gained an education in values and family from the examples that she observed in her father. She married Sharif Nazir in 1971 and they had one son together, Kal.

In July 2014 Yasmeen gathered her family (with the exception of grandson Zeedan) to meet Kal's new girlfriend Leanne Tilsley, the first woman he'd found happiness with since the death of his wife Jamila two years previously. Yasmeen was sceptical of Leanne because of her fractured past (as she had a stepsister and a half-sister) as well as an estranged husband. Despite this the meeting appeared to be a success, however it was cut short when Leanne's estranged husband Nick turned up and began to pick off Leanne's bad points, mentioning that she had been both a lap dancer and prostitute in the past. This caused an embarrassed and shamed Leanne to run back home in tears.

After learning that Weatherfield Community Library faced closure, Yasmeen tried to enlist the support of local residents in order to take part in a protest, and befriended cafe owner Roy Cropper. The pair held an all night sit-in at the library, and although the council had assured them that they would consider appealing for the library to remain open, the building caught fire afterwards, leaving her out of a job.

Yasmeen began to use Roy's Rolls as a makeshift library, but Roy found it too much as her constant interfering was overbearing and putting off customers. She then decided to rent the empty unit next door and opened up Jamila House, a community centre which was named in memory of her late daughter-in-law, Jamila, who passed away in 2012.


In June 2015 Yasmeen lost Kal when he perished at a fire at the Victoria Court flats after rescuing a trapped Amy Barlow. She told Leanne that she was always welcome to still be a part of the family.

Yasmeen was devastated to learn in November 2016 that Sharif had been indulging in a seven year affair with her best friend Sonia Rahman, whom they just recently put up due to her husband kicking her out. Yasmeen was further disappointed to learn that Alya knew as well, and blackmailed Sharif rather than inform her. Yasmeen ordered the pair to pack their bags and leave the house. A couple of days later, Yasmeen was sent a letter from Sharif in which he revealed that he had gone to Newcastle, leaving Yasmeen angry that he had run away from his responsibilities. Yasmeen's woes went from bad to worse after being told by Pat Phelan that the flat she and Sharif were in the process of purchasing was not being built due to his partner, Vinny Ashford, running off with the deposit money that all of the investors had paid upfront.

In 2017, Yasmeen began helping out at Roy's Rolls when one member of the staff was off, and also during Anna Windass' imprisonment before her trial.

In 2018, she filed for a divorce against Sharif, who by that point had met someone else and intended to remarry.

In December 2019, Yasmeen married Geoff Metcalfe, who began to act controlling towards her by cutting her off from her family and friends and decided what she should wear and how much money to give her. Yasmeen was also devastated and disgusted when Geoff tricked her into eating her beloved pet chicken Charlotte Brontë.

By May 2020, by which time Geoff's behaviour had become regular abuse, he threatened Yasmeen with a knife. In self-defence, Yasmeen smashed a wine bottle across his head before stabbing him in the neck with the broken end. Geoff managed to survive this and Yasmeen was charged with attempted murder. She was subsequently found not guilty of the charge at trial in December, but not long afterwards she was involved in another terrifying ordeal when Geoff trapped her in No.6, set fire to it and pursued her when she fled up onto the house's roof. There, he slipped and fell to his death, despite Yasmeen's attempts to help him.

Geoff's first wife Elaine Jones began to help Yasmeen recover from Geoff's abuse, and she moved into No.6 in March 2021.


Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Hobbies and interests

Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Background information

Ken do something
"Ken, do something!"
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Yasmeen, played by Shelley King, was introduced as part of the first ever Muslim family in the history of Coronation Street, the Nazirs. The family was comprised of Yasmeen herself, her husband Sharif (Marc Anwar), son Kal (Jimi Mistry) and grandchildren Zeedan (Qasim Akhtar) and Alya (Sair Khan). The characters weren't all introduced at once but instead made their first appearances across 2014 (except Kal, who first appeared in December 2013). Yasmeen herself debuted in Episode 8418 broadcast on the 4th July.

First and last lines

"No worm for this early bird, I was hoping for a sighting of Leanne." (First line)


(To be completed)

List of addresses

Address Duration
6 Coronation Street 17th December 2014 to present

Employment history

Role Institution Duration
Manager Jamila House 22nd October 2014 to present
Assistant Roy's Rolls 2017 to 2018
Assistant Speed Daal 2018 to present

See also

Current characters
Ken Barlow | Rita Tanner | Gail Rodwell | Tracy McDonald | Audrey Roberts | Nick Tilsley | Kevin Webster | Debbie Webster | Jenny Connor | Sally Metcalfe | Sarah Platt | Steve McDonald | David Platt | Daniel Osbourne | Roy Cropper | Leanne Battersby | Toyah Habeeb | Tyrone Dobbs | Dev Alahan | Eileen Grimshaw | Maria Connor | Kirk Sutherland | Bethany Platt | Adam Barlow | Todd Grimshaw | Fiz Dobbs | Sean Tully | Chesney Winter-Brown | Amy Barlow | Aadi Alahan | Asha Alahan | Ryan Connor | Carla Connor | Dylan Wilson | Gary Windass | Mary Taylor | Liam Connor | Brian Packham | Izzy Armstrong | Max Turner | Jack Webster | Hope Dobbs | Craig Tinker | Joseph Brown | Ruby Dobbs | Tim Metcalfe | Jake Windass | Lily Platt | Alya Nazir | Yasmeen Metcalfe | Gemma Winter-Brown | Billy Mayhew | Alex Warner | Harry Platt | Shona Platt | Summer Spellman | Abi Webster | Evelyn Plummer | Bertie Osbourne | Alina Pop | Ed Bailey | Michael Bailey | Bernie Winter | Aled Winter-Brown | Bryn Winter-Brown | Carys Winter-Brown | Llio Winter-Brown | Nina Lucas | George Shuttleworth | Sam Blakeman | Daisy Midgeley | Ronnie Bailey | Lisa Swain  | Glory Bailey | Stu Carpenter | Alfie Franklin | Glenda Shuttleworth | Dee-Dee Bailey | Lauren Bolton | Cassie Plummer | Joel Deering | Bobby Crawford