The Vicar officiated at the funeral service of Joe McIntyre in March 2010 at St. Mary's Church. While the congregation were singing "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind", Joe's daughter Tina was overcome with emotion and ran out. This meant that there was no one to read a eulogy and, at the vicar's prompting, Joe's widow Gail stood up in her place.
Tina re-entered the church and interrupted, blaming Gail aloud for Joe's suspicious death on Lake Windermere (which had, in reality, been a tragically failed insurance scam on his part). The vicar tried to divert matters by asking the congregation to sing the final - and wildly inappropriate - hymn "Make Me A Channel of Your Peace" but the arguments continued throughout the verses and developed into a fight when Tina questioned aloud how much Gail would have wished she had aborted David. He went for her and fists flew between him and Jason Grimshaw as the vicar and the organist looked on horrified.
Calling back a final flurry of insults, Tina walked out again and rang the police about her father's death while his burial was taking place, the only part of the service that proved to be peaceful.