Coronation Street Wiki

The Van Driver was a removal man hired by Reg Holdsworth when he moved into 12 Coronation Street in September 1991. The driver was directed to the flat by Rita Fairclough as she waited outside The Kabin to catch a glimpse of her new neighbour. When the driver told her that the man in question was none other than Reg Holdsworth, a former admirer of hers, Rita legged it back inside the newsagent to avoid being seen.

After finishing the job, the driver checked with Reg that nothing had been broken in transit and, angling for a tip, related a tale about an old lady customer whose 170 pieces of china his team of professionals had transported without cracking a single one. When this failed to elicit a response, he began rooting through Reg's glassware, throwing a cut-glass vase into the air and catching it, causing Reg to slip him a note to get him to stop.
