Coronation Street Wiki

It's Pride Month!

How's it going, folks? This June, we're celebrating the contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether it be in movies, TV shows, video games, books, music, or just you as a person - we're covering it all.

Our theme for Pride this year is looking back and moving forward. We reflect on the challenges the LGBTQIA+ community faced in the past and continue to face now. The goal is to improve the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people going forwards. We can all help with this and now is the perfect time to educate ourselves and learn how we can contribute.

Our programming[]

Fandom has a bunch of things planned for Pride Month - let's dive in!

  • Pride playlist - Fandom is back with a Pride Spotify playlist! Featuring solely LGBTQIA+ artists from a variety of genres, this is the playlist for you. Did we miss any artists?

Listen to Fandom's Pride Month 2023 Spotify playlist

  • Drag Queen interviews - Fandom also visited RuPaul's DragCon! We heard from the Queens about the importance of being able to express yourself without fear.

Check out the interviews from DragCon

  • Drag Race bracket tournament - Stay tuned for this anticipated tournament on the Drag Race Wiki. See how far some of the fiercest queens can go!

Read Fandom's Pride blog for more details

What can you do to celebrate and reflect?[]

Want to get involved on your wikis? There's a lot you can do and here are just a few suggestions:

  • Highlight people in your franchise - use blogs or Discussions posts to highlight prominent LGBTQIA+ characters or creators in your franchises and their contributions.
  • Editing projects - start an editing project to improve articles featuring LGBTQIA+ themes. I'm sure editors would love to get involved!

Let's get some conversations going in the comments! Share your favourite LGBTQIA+ characters and creators from your favourite franchise.

Happy Pride Month everyone! --Spongebob456 talk 10:48, 9 June 2023 (UTC)
