Coronation Street Wiki

The Social Worker met Tyrone Dobbs at the Cragg Street Children's Contact Centre in February 2013 for a supervised visit to see his daughter Ruby Soames. Tyrone had been falsely accused by his girlfriend, and Ruby’s mother, Kirsty of assault and he had been arrested and was awaiting trial. Kirsty rang the centre and lied, telling them that Ruby had a temperature and was too ill to see Tyrone. The Social Worker apologised to an incensed Tyrone for his wasted journey, telling him that Ruby could only be made available when his mother decreed that she was fit to do so, which as Tyrone said, would be the twelfth of never.

Four years later, in June 2017, she accompanied DC Leigh on two visits to 8 Coronation Street. Bethany Platt had been groomed for several months by Nathan Curtis who organised a gang of like-minded men who sexually exploited young girls and minors. Her family rescued her from a "party" where she was subjected to a gang rape and Nathan was arrested. The next day, when the police and social services visited, Sarah Platt and Gail Rodwell spoke of wanting to always keep their children on leashes. The social worker sympathised, saying that one of hers was cycling across South America and she hadn't been able to sleep a wink. Bethany was thoroughly entranced by the attention that Nathan had given her, including a proposal of marriage, and listened at the top of the stairs as the family were told that if Bethany cooperated they would be able to press charges of rape or controlled prostitution for gain, otherwise people like Nathan were too knowledgeable of the law to evade justice. Within hours Nathan had made contact with her and she sped off with him in his car. When alerted, the social worker and DC Leigh visited again and told the family that Nathan had broken the terms of his bail and they were doing all they could to track him down. Bethany returned soon after, having plotted with Nathan to leave the country.

List of appearances[]


