Coronation Street Wiki

The Prison Van Driver worked at Highfield Prison where convicted drugs lord Harvey Gaskell attempted an escape in October 2021.

His chance of appeal had been scuppered by Toyah Battersby who had reported his lawyer, Sabeen Habeeb, for using illegal practices. As it was Toyah's sister Leanne who had provided the key evidence that led to his conviction, he was determined to have his revenge on them both before fleeing the country. He approached a corrupt officer saying he needed an excuse to go to hospital in a prison van and suggested appendicitis as a reason. Told that the prison doctor would see through such a ruse and that a faked broken bone would be a better idea, Harvey deliberately hurled himself at a door to create the impression of an injured wrist. The hospital visit approved, the officer escorted Harvey into the van where he deliberately failed to secure his compartment. Then, when on a secluded road, he fought a battle with the driver for control of the vehicle which subsequently crashed into the Alahan's broken down car, tipping the vehicle on its side.

As Dev Alahan had already called Kevin Webster to attend his breakdown, Harvey had a working vehicle to complete his escape, which he did after knocking Kevin out cold. In the meantime, the Alahan's vehicle caught fire but all three managed to escape before it exploded, though Aadi was in by far the worst condition. The prison van driver had regained consciousness by this time and assisted a begging Dev, though he was hampered by torrential rainfall and a poor mobile phone signal. He prevented Dev moving Aadi, warning him that he might have a broken neck and ascertained Kevin's name in order that he could also help him. Emergency services were summoned who transported all the injured to Weatherfield General.
