Prima Doner is a fast-food outlet located adjacent to Roy's Rolls at 18 Victoria Street. Dev Alahan has owned the business since 2008, after buying it from Jerry Morton following his decision to move to Spain. The shop's telephone number is 0161-715-1828.
- Dev Alahan - Owner
- Chesney Brown/Winter-Brown - Assistant
- Bernie Winter - Assistant
- Ryan Connor
- Katy Armstrong
- Teresa Bryant
- Darryl Morton
- Minnie Chandra
- Cheryl Gray
- Tracy Barlow
- Leanne Battersby
- Cathy Matthews
- "Tall" Matt - Cover
- Asha Alahan - Part-time Assistant
- Gemma Winter - Manager
- Mandy - Assistant
- Dylan Wilson - Assistant
- In July 2016, teenage thug Clayton Hibbs attempted to rob the shop, however Gemma refused to give him the money he demanded. Her friend Kylie intervened however, resulting in Clayton stabbing Kylie who died of her wounds shortly afterwards.