Coronation Street Wiki

Phillip Charles "Phill" Whittaker was a council worker who dated Fiz Stape during her separation from Tyrone Dobbs in 2021. At their wedding in 2022, Fiz realised that she didn't love Phill and returned to Tyrone, with Phill agreeing to grant an annulment.


Phil was recently divorced when he began dating Fiz Stape following her split from Tyrone Dobbs.

In July 2021, Phill was browsing at the Furniture Shop on Viaduct Street when he overheard Fiz and Tyrone arguing about her article in the Weatherfield Gazette which went into detail about him leaving her and his family for the much younger Alina Pop. Phill introduced himself to Fiz and inquired about a wardrobe, and he returned after hours to ask her out for a drink. Phill and Fiz went for a date at Speed Daal and the pair hit it off. Having learned from Evelyn Plummer that Fiz was on a date, a jealous Tyrone turned up and attempted to out-do Phill by ordering the hottest item on the menu.

The following week Phill and Fiz went on a date at the Viaduct Bistro. Tyrone manipulated his own plans to ensure that he and Alina were having a meal there at the same time and he spent most of the time ignoring his new girlfriend to listen in to Fiz's date. Alina could see that Tyrone was jealous and decided to return home leaving him to pay the bill. When Tyrone's card declined Phill stepped in to pay for his meal and, believing that Phill was intending to show him up, a drunken Tyrone attempted to punch him but missed. Fiz was shocked by his actions and Alina demanded that Tyrone choose between her and Fiz once and for all.

Norris cole with tea 5
"You haven't heard the latest, then?"
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Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Background information[]

Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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First and last lines[]

Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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See also[]
