The Paramedic attended to two incidents involving Coronation Street residents in 2007.
In January, an eleven-week pregnant Violet Wilson managed to call for an ambulance while suffering from severe abdominal pain. As the paramedics arrived at 11 Coronation Street, it was apparent that Violet had collapsed in the hallway and gained access as key-holder Eileen Grimshaw had been alerted. The paramedic initially told Eileen not to move the patient, he checked her blood pressure and learning of her pregnancy and reassured Eileen that they'd have a better idea as to why she collapsed upon admission to Weatherfield General.
The paramedic was again on the scene in response to call-out at No.4 as a fire broke out at the Peacocks' house in May. After neighbours Jamie Baldwin and Kirk Sutherland had managed to drag an unconscious Claire Peacock outside, the paramedic and a female colleague administered oxygen and checked over Kirk for smoke inhalation. A concerned Eileen Grimshaw and Violet Wilson accompanied Claire in the ambulance to Weatherfield General.