Coronation Street Wiki

Norah Houston was the chief social worker at Weatherfield Town Hall's Social Services office. In November 1974, Emily and Ernest Bishop decided to put themselves forward as foster parents and Councillor Len Fairclough got onto Norah for them. As Norah had a call to make in the next street, Len dropped her at 3 Coronation Street to interview the Bishops. The couple were taken aback by the personal nature of Norah's questions, such as whether they hoped to have children of their own and whether it was a recent decision not to have any. Having married in their early forties, and being very private people, it was an uncomfortable topic for them to discuss with a stranger and Norah was somewhat apologetic for asking.

Norah's next appointment with the Bishops was scheduled for the following week. Later that day, Norah was tasked with finding a home for Vernon and Lucy Foyle, infant children of single father Winston Foyle who had been rushed to hospital with a perforated ulcer. As it was an emergency, Norah asked the Bishops to take them in the following day, and they agreed. Norah paid Emily another visit prior to the childrens' arrival to confirm the arrangements and tell her more about their situation, including the fact that their mother had left home a year before.

The Bishops enjoyed their first fostering experience however they didn't take in any more children after this.
