Nathan Cooper (previously Harding) was a mechanic at Websters' Auto Centre from 2005 to 2006. Nathan had relationships with Tracy Barlow and Frankie Baldwin during his one year in Coronation Street.
Nathan first appeared in April 2005 when Kevin Webster was looking for a new mechanic, following the death of Tommy Harris.
During his time on the street, Nathan romanced factory machinist Joanne Jackson and Tracy Barlow, also enjoying a brief flirtation with hairdresser Maria Sutherland in the Rovers. He struck up a friendship with Ashley Peacock when he gave him boxing lessons, but things soured when the men's respective partners, Tracy and Claire fell out. When Tracy called Claire so boring people were suicidal upon meeting her and mocked the fact she had no children, Claire very publicly threw a drink at her. The row spread to Nathan and Ashley, and when Nathan defended Tracy Ashley refused to let the matter drop, winding Nathan up so much he punched him in the face. Ashley was temporarily blinded in one eye, and a guilt-ridden Nathan confessed to his father Fred Elliott what he had done. Fred vowed to go to the police if Ashley didn't recover, but he eventually did.
Nathan left after breaking up with his girlfriend Frankie Baldwin largely to do with the fact her ex-husband, Danny Baldwin was still in the picture. Before leaving, he punched Danny and bitterly told him he was welcome to Frankie.
Background information[]
Nathan Cooper was initially credited as Harding when he made his first appearance in April 2005. He was credited under his second surname from August 2005 until the character's departure in July 2006, a credit simply as "Nathan" with no surname bridging the gap.
First and last lines[]
"Nice hotel! Is there a mini-bar?" (First line, to Tracy Barlow)
"You are so welcome to her, pal. You really do deserve each other... mug!" (Final line, to Danny Baldwin)