Coronation Street Wiki

Mrs Paton was the Headteacher of Weatherfield Comprehensive who met with the Platt family in March 2000, shortly after it was established that thirteen-year-old Sarah Louise was pregnant.

She initially put her pupil at ease by telling her that she wouldn't be the first (or last) young woman to sit in her office under the same circumstances, and explained that the school would support whatever position the family decided to take. Having established that Sarah Louise would be going ahead with the pregnancy and keeping the baby, Mrs Paton informed the Platts that she would have to notify the rest of the staff. Stepfather Martin Platt was apprehensive however, as he stressed that they didn't want the baby's father to be involved. It was decided that the school would support but not condone Sarah Louise's actions and Mrs Paton advised that a discreet programme would be set out to treat the matter with complete confidentiality and she would also appoint a named female member of staff to be the first point of contact. As the family left the headteacher's office, Sarah Louise quickly found herself a laughing stock and was subject to heckling by ringleader Kirsten Grant.

A couple of weeks later, Mrs Paton informed Sarah Louise that the drama department were keen to "use" her backstage for their upcoming production of Grease, however Sarah Louise was somewhat downbeat as she'd wanted to land an acting role - subsequently snapping at friend Candice Stowe in a moment of jealousy.
