Mitchell was a young lad who along with his friend Kyle dealt drugs at the Weatherfield Precinct. Passing through the area one morning, Stephen Reid spotted the two lads carrying out one of their transactions and noted them down for future use.
At that time, Stephen was attempting to take over the reins at Underworld from Carla Barlow and was dosing her up with small quantities of LSD to get her to take time off work and wrest away management of the business from her. Inadvertently dosing himself up, he missed an important presentation to clients and his niece Sarah Barlow had to take over from him. With no love lost between Carla and Stephen, she delighted in admonishing him and told him not to have anything to do with further work on the Nippersnapper line and a forthcoming deal with the US market. Enraged, Stephen approached the two lads for a further dose of LSD. They laughed at the unusual request, saying he was about 50 years too late with his requirement but with the offer of money coming their way said that they would make enquiries for the higher than usual price starting at £100 plus their “commission”. The lads made to walk away, and Stephen realised they were just trying to con him out of the cash he'd handed over. They had picked on the wrong man; enraged, he violently assaulted the pair who even together with no match for the blows he rained down on them. With bloodied noses, they ran off as fast as they could after their pasting.
A few weeks later, Stephen murdered Rufus Donohue, a businessman who had inadvertently given him the idea of using the LSD, and realising what Stephen was doing to Carla, attempted to blackmail him into giving him 50% of the profits on a deal that the factory was handling. The two lads read about Rufus's death in the paper, and the LSD, and put two and two together. They sent Stephen an anonymous letter which read "I know what you did to Rufus" and, thinking that they had softened him up, approached him outside the factory where they demanded £10,000 from him, otherwise they would go to the police. Steven tried to call their bluff but blinked first when the lads set off for the police station. Asking for an hour to get the money together, they agreed to meet at the Weatherfield Precinct where he told them to get in his car and drove them himself to the police station inviting them to do their worst. Claiming that Rufus was a close friend of his and he had mental health problems - hence his use of LSD - Stephen told them that the police would laugh at their allegations, after which they would release him and he would come and find them and kill them. Thoroughly unnerved, the lads needed no second warning when Stephen ordered them out of the car and they left him in peace thereafter.
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