Coronation Street Wiki
Coronation Street Wiki

Mickey was an old friend of Peter Barlow's who visited him in Coronation Street in February 2019 when asked to go there. Peter had been given an old boat, the Lost Buoy by Carla Connor to do up as a project but he had been receiving complaints from Gail Rodwell as it was "moored" outside her house at No.8. Mickey told Peter there was no room for it in his own boatyard but he did have an available contract in Kefalonia starting in two weeks for someone to ferry tourists and, if his refurbishment would be ready in time, the gig was his. Peter was very tempted but said he was needed to be in the country to support his son Simon through his GCSEs. Mickey told Peter to contact him if he ever changed his mind.

Norris cole with tea 5
"You haven't heard the latest, then?"
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