Martyn Hakan Hett (15th December 1987 - 22nd May 2017) was a PR Manager who gained a reputation as a massive Coronation Street fan, especially after drawing attention with Corrie-related YouTube videos that he would regularly post. A popular video (and one of his earliest related to the programme) was a compilation of the Audrey Roberts "noise". He was also a big fan of Deirdre Barlow, and following Anne Kirkbride's death in January 2015, he posted himself making her famous stuffed marrow recipe, which she would periodically make on the programme for her family as a running joke. Martyn's tattoo of Deirdre Barlow on his leg also gained attention on social media.
He also appeared on Couples Come Dine with Me in 2014 alongside his partner Russell Hayward.
Martyn and twenty-one others were killed during the Islamist terrorist attack on the Manchester Arena on 22nd May 2017. Martyn and the victims were paid tribute to with a bench in the programme's Victoria Gardens, which read "For Martyn and all those who lost their lives on the 22nd of May 2017. We stand together." Martyn's family were present during the unveiling.
Martyn and the other victims of the attack were paid tribute to in May 2022 on the fifth anniversary of the incident.[1]