Marge Butler was a packer at Baldwin's Casuals who lost her job when Mike Baldwin sold up to builder Maurice Jones in 1989. Marge was one of the gobbiest girls at the factory, enough to rival even Vera Duckworth.
The girls were led to believe that Jones would be running the factory but on the morning he took charge, the staff found the gates locked. Marge was inclined to blame Mike and voted to go round to his flat and "flush the rat out". Along with Ivy Brennan, Vera and Josie Phillips, Marge sought out Mike first at his St. Mary's Place flat, and then at Weatherfield Quays, after giving lip to a woman who had bought Mike's old flat and gave them his new address. Mike denied any knowledge of Jones's plans, claiming to be as in the dark as the girls.
When it emerged that Jones was going to demolish the factory and the Community Centre, the girls organised a trip to the Department of Employment where they learned that it was Jones, not Mike, who owed them redundancy. As the most reasonable member of their group, Emily Bishop was nominated to speak to Jones, although Marge felt that it was a waste of time, suggesting a "kick in the whatnots" instead. Surely enough, Jones tried to absolve himself of any responsibility, and the girls had to take stronger measures. Starting a sit-in at the building site, they blocked a lorry from entering. After a few days, Jones gave in and agreed to pay the redundancy.
Four months later, Marge met with a few of the other girls from Baldwin's at 5 Coronation Street, where Ivy and Emily proposed they form a worker's co-operative. Ivy and Josie had been making up travel bags for Mike who was completing them for Ingram's Textiles, but Don Brennan suggested they would be better off dealing with Peter Ingram directly and cutting Mike out. The prospect of making more money and getting one over on Mike was enough to get all the girls on board. Mike retaliated by stealing the order from Ingram, and the co-operative disbanded shortly thereafter.