Mandy Newhaven was a social worker who called in to see Chesney and Gemma Winter-Brown in July 2023 after Beth Sutherland reported Gemma for putting her great-nephew Bertie Osbourne at risk. Despite having her own four quads to look after, Gemma had taken on the additional duties of looking after Bertie as well as Glory Bailey in the January when she and Chesney needed all the money they could get to bring up their children. The constant grind of childminding and financial problems got to Gemma to the point where she had trouble sleeping and was prescribed antidepressants by Doctor Gaddas. On her own with her charges one day, she fell asleep and woke up to find that Bertie had found the pills and taken about five of them. He was rushed to Weatherfield General where he was declared not to be in danger and released after observation. Beth was incensed to discover what had occurred and reported Gemma.
Mandy called at 5 Coronation Street where Gemma and Chesney tried to minimise the situation but the social worker was instantly alerted when she discovered that there were more than four children in the house being looked after by Gemma when the regulation stated it had to be a ratio of one adult to four children. Things got worse when Mandy discovered that Gemma was not a registered childminder, even though Daniel Osbourne and Michael Bailey were fine with the situation.
Chesney was hoping that Gemma will be let off with a warning, but Mandy was able to give no such assurances, stating that Gemma was possibly facing a large fine or even worse. After a period of reflection, Gemma asked Mandy to call back at the house where she expressed her remorse to her, but Mandy told her the critical point was that she had broken the law and she had to be reported to the early years team for them to make a decision. Nevertheless, Gemma wasn't charged with any illegal offence but she did lose the extra income that looking after the two toddlers generated.