Malcolm Goodwin was a social worker attached to Weatherfield General. In 1991, he was tasked with finding accommodation for Percy Sugden after Percy suffered an allergic reaction to his landlady Winnie Dyson's cat Fluffy.
Malcolm's mission soon brought him to 3 Coronation Street and Emily Bishop, who Malcolm recognised due to her secretarial work for the hospital's charity. Malcolm was aware that Emily had cancelled her move to Rhos-on-Sea, which had been the reason for Percy moving out of No.3 and into Mrs Dyson's guest house, and hoped that she would now agree to take him back. Enjoying her freedom from Percy, Emily asked Malcolm if Percy could stay where he was with medication, but Malcolm indicated that Percy had burned his bridges by asking Mrs Dyson to have Fluffy put down. Despite his predicament, Emily politely refused to have Percy back at No.3, telling Malcolm that she'd stood her watch. Malcolm understood Emily's viewpoint and informed her that Percy would probably be sent to St. Winifred's OAP home but he was hoping that Percy would arrange something himself as he was fit and able.
As he prepared to depart, Malcolm made small talk with Emily about allergies, commenting that he had an allergy to melons. Emily replied that she didn't have any allergies, with the possible exception of Mr Sugden, causing Malcolm to ask her if she'd ever thought of getting a cat!