Major Parrett ran the Weatherfield branch of the Salvation Army whose hall was only five minutes walk away from Coronation Street.
After buying a copy of the War Cry in the Rovers Return Inn one evening, Ray Langton thought that going to a service and taking the mickey would be a good laugh and Lucille Hewitt, Bet Lynch and Frank Bradley tagged along. Lucille, though, was not prepared for the moving testimony of John Hill who had suffered bereavements like her and questioned what life was for. Major Parrett told John from the pulpit that God was the reason and God is love. Lucille resolved to try and do more good for others and went back to the hall the next day where she offered her services to the army.
Parrett asked her to talk about herself but that was in order that he could decide what work would be best for her. He said that when she had an honest answer about why she wanted to help, they would know what was best. She went back later and said that she wanted to find out if she was as empty-headed as people thought she was. The Major said that she was getting knowledge out of helping and that is a reward in itself. Lucille was shamefaced when she confessed to living in a pub and working in a betting shop but the Major smiled at the admission and decided that her first work should be to help pensioner Arthur Noblett, who was described by army girl Molly Jarvis as not so much a challenge as a war in himself!
- The character was listed as Captain Bob Parrett in "TV Times". No first name was given on screen.