Coronation Street Wiki

Madeline Ivy "Maddie" Heath was a homeless girl who befriended Sophie Webster in 2013, leading to the pair falling in love.

When the girls were taken in by Sophie's dad Kevin Webster at 13 Coronation Street, Maddie gained employment as a packer at Underworld and valet at Webster's Autocentre. She was determined to prove her worth, though her insolence and impulsiveness often held her back.

In 2015, while trying to warn Sophie that Jenny Bradley was attempting to kidnap her brother Jack, Maddie was caught in an explosion at the builder's yard caused by the Victoria Court fire. She died from her injuries.


Ken do something
"Ken, do something!"
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Maddie Heath was a young teen who was living rough when she started regularly visiting the soup kitchen where she met Sally Webster and her daughter Sophie on Christmas Day 2013. Sally took a strong disliking towards her when she pushed her face into a trifle and stole her handbag.

Despite Sophie not liking Maddie's confrontational attitude, she convinced her mother not to involve the police and continued to talk to Maddie at the soup kitchen. In the following February, Sophie and Sally found out that Maddie's brother Ben was in foster care and that their mother Fran suffered from mental health issues.

Maddie and Sophie began a relationship in April 2014. Sally, unable to accept this, told Maddie that she never wanted to see her face again. She and Sophie subsequently moved out of 4 Coronation Street and began sleeping on the streets, until Sophie's father Kevin allowed the pair to move in with him at No.13.

In the summer of 2014, Maddie stole Carla Connor's car in order to rush a sick Eccles to the vets. She later began working for Carla as a sort of "community" service at her business Underworld in the packing department. When Carla was impressed with Maddie, she gave her a full time job there.

In January 2015 Maddie along with the rest of the Underworld staff were involved in a minibus crash when boy racers chased the bus and cut it off, causing driver Steve McDonald to swerve and the bus tipped over. Maddie along with the rest of the passengers escaped just before the bus went over a cliff.

In May, Sophie was discussing going on a holiday to India with Maddie, and Maddie revealed that she had never been abroad. However, the pair sadly never got to go travelling together, due to Maddie's death.

Later that month, Maddie went back to No.13 to discover Jenny Bradley trying to kidnap Kevin's son Jack. She managed to escape from Jenny but was caught in an explosion at the Builder's Yard due to a fire in Victoria Court, before she could tell Sophie or Kevin about Jenny. An unconscious Maddie was rushed to Weatherfield General but died of her injuries on 1st June 2015, aged only eighteen.


Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Background information[]

Ken do something
"Ken, do something!"
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Maddie was introduced as a new love interest for Sophie Webster (Brooke Vincent). She was described as a complex character and very much a Becky McDonald and Kylie Platt type character, but a lot worse. In June 2014, actress Amy James-Kelly signed a new contract which would see her remaining for another year on the show. She left the programme at the end of this contract, and in June 2015 the character of Maddie was killed off.

First and last lines[]

"It's all about you, innit spud lady?" (First line, to Sally Webster)


"Sophie... It's Jenny, you were right! I've... I've just... SOPHIE!!" (Final line, on voicemail)


Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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See also[]
