Coronation Street Wiki

Jordan was a businessman involved in the clothing trade and a client of Underworld's. In February 2019 he attended a meeting with Carla Connor and Nick Tilsley at the factory on Coronation Street which was watched eagerly by PA Sarah Platt from outside the office. She considered the man to be "fit" and a perfect match for Carla as he was single and had known her some years before. Consequently, when the meeting finished Sarah immediately suggested that the couple go to the Viaduct Bistro for lunch. Jordan immediately agreed to the suggestion though Carla was not as agreeable however she was too startled to disagree.

Michelle Connor was serving at the eatery that day and asked Jordan and Carla how they knew each other. He replied that they had worked at the shoe company Sheppard's and Michelle thought she also ought to know him. She was taken aback when he asked her to picture his face twenty years ago and four stone heavier. Michelle immediately recollected him but paused in what she was saying while the man himself, to her embarrassment, reminded her that she used to call him "Fat Jordan from the stockroom".

The lunch went badly though as Carla was constantly distracted by calls on her mobile phone, even while Jordan tried to make it clear to her that he was seriously attracted to her. Following several unsuccessful attempts, he left, leaving a message with Michelle for Carla to ring him when things weren't so hectic.
