Jill Marriott was a young woman who worked as a labourer for Fairclough and Langton for one day in 1976.
Jill's dad was a bookie's clerk. Her interest in joinery was sparked by her uncle Ted Parker, at whose Balaclava Street workshop Jill spent many an hour when she was growing up. Her brother owned a joiner set, which she borrowed to work on her own projects. Setting her heart on an apprenticeship, after leaving school with five O-Levels Jill applied for work with various contractors. As it was a male-dominated profession, Jill signed her applications "J Marriott" and let employers think she was a man until they met her.
With Fairclough and Langton short-handed a few months after Jerry Booth's death, Ray Langton called Jill for an interview immediately upon reading her application - aside from anything else, she could spell and write legibly - but upon discovering her gender, his interest dissipated and he left yard secretary Deirdre Langton with strict instructions to get rid of her. However, Deirdre believed that Jill should be given a chance and, when Jill presented some examples of her work which she'd brought with her, she forced Ray's hand by threatening to leave if he dismissed Jill. After testing Jill with joinery questions, all of which she answered correctly, Ray gave in and agreed to a trial.
On her first day, Jill repaired a leaky windowframe at 1 Coronation Street, earning some grudging compliments from Albert Tatlock who had been waiting on hand to criticise. Ray gave his approval to her staying on, pending Len Fairclough's decision, but Jill surprisingly turned the offer down, having heard from Blanche Hunt that both Ray and Len were self-taught, and therefore weren't qualified to train her. She left the yard immediately.