I-spy Dwyer was the regular window cleaner for the Rovers but annoyed Jack and Annie Walker when he didn’t appear for four weeks on the run. Seeing him drinking with Stan Ogden in the pub, Annie was minded to give I-spy a piece of her mind but was unable to do so when the two men told her they were “in conference”. Hilda Ogden was given the same information when she came in a few minutes later, but Jack wound her up by teasing her that they had been discussing blondes in baths, as well as redheads and brunettes, such sightings being a perk of the trade of being a window cleaner. An outraged Hilda told I-spy he was a dirty old man and shouldn’t behave in that way in his job and was taken aback to find out he was no longer a window cleaner as her husband had bought the round off him. Asking the price, I-spy told her it was £45, up from the previous £40 as it also included the bucket which had to take into account inflation and goodwill, and then hastily left before she could object.
- Roy Barraclough played I-spy Dwyer in the third of his four guest roles on the programme before making his first appearance as Alec Gilroy in 1972.