Hunter and Bowen was a mail order firm that employed Esther Hayes as a senior ledger clerk with twenty-five girls under her from February 1961 onwards. There, she developed a strong friendship with her manager Brian Foley and the two enjoyed a social life together outside of work attending concerts together and visiting galleries.
Esther continued working for the firm, even after moving out of 5 Coronation Street in May 1962 to live in a flat in Moor Lane. In December 1963, she moved to the firm's office in Glasgow and left the area for good.
- Esther's office was seen in Episode 54 (19th June 1961). There is a continuity error regarding the firm in the programme's narrative. Esther tells Christine Hardman she is applying for the position in Episode 13 (20th January 1961) and then informs Florrie Lindley she starts work on the coming Monday in Episode 20 (17th February 1961). However, in Episode 55 (21st June 1961), it is said that firm is called "Harringtons" and it is intimated by Tom Hayes that both Esther and Brian have been with the firm for years. In Episode 100 (27th November 1961), Leonard Swindley states that Esther's employer is a credit firm.