The unnamed House Salesman showed Stan and Hilda Ogden round a show home on the River Park Estate when Hilda was determined to go up in the world and buy a new house. Stan was unimpressed with the bright new interior, saying that darker colours needed less decorating. He was also contemptuous of the high-level grill in the kitchen, saying that it made no difference to the heat it gave out and that Hilda only wanted it for meat and potato pies. Hilda excused his undomesticated behaviour by saying he had spent too long in the army. The salesman wasn't hopeful of a sale until he heard that they owned No. 13 and he then told them that they could sell it for £7,000 and use it as a deposit on a modern house such as the one they were looking at. Hilda was sorely tempted although her plans to move quickly fell through.