Gig Prince was a club comic who auditioned for Ralph Lancaster for a spot at the Gatsby Club. His deadpan style of comedy and his choice of material about wives and mother-in-laws was very much in the style of Les Dawson and his routine went down well with Rita Littlewood who was awaiting her audition but, more importantly, also with Mr Lancaster who signed him up. Perhaps appreciative of her laughter, Gig asked if he could stay and watch Rita’s own (equally successful) audition.
Gig must have been successful in his audition as the following April he was the compere when the Gatsby held a stag night. Unfortunately, it was the subject of a police raid, not so much for the stripper acts, but because they continued serving drinks forty-five minutes after closing time. Ray Langton, Alf Roberts and Ernest Bishop were in the audience and the latter two ended up with their names printed in the Gazette due to their prominent public positions as, respectively, former Mayor of Weatherfield and lay preacher.