George Dickinson was the father of Myra Dickinson. In 1963, George was the bookings secretary at Weatherfield Trades and Labour Club, where Myra met Jerry Booth. Seven weeks later, George gave Myra away at her wedding to Jerry.
George was very protective of Myra and sometimes dealt with matters on her behalf. In 1964, when Jerry and Myra faced eviction due to late mortgage payments and debt on Hire Purchase, George agreed to save the couple by paying the debt and letting them live with him in his high-rise flat in St George's Court. The marriage ended anyway and Jerry returned to Coronation Street, where he had many friends. George paid Jerry a visit to find out where Myra stood. When Jerry refused to return to Myra, George demanded that he repay £50 that he owed him.
George returned to Jerry's life in 1966 when Jerry started divorce proceedings. As Myra didn't want to see Jerry, George acted on his daughter's behalf and informed Jerry that he would need grounds for a divorce. Curious about Jerry's friendship with Sheila Birtles, George hired a private investigator, Harry Bishop, to look into their relationship and discover if they were more than friends. Just before the divorce came through in 1968, George again appeared to ask Jerry to take Myra back. Jerry had long since moved on and was determined to see out the divorce, so refused.