The Reverend Esther Warren was the vicar who conducted Lily Platt's christening service in October 2013. Unfortunately, the entire affair was overshadowed by the matter of the child's parentage. On Christmas Day 2012, the child's mother Kylie and her uncle Nick Tilsley had had a fling and when David Platt secretly discovered this, he became convinced that the baby was his brother's and not his. He began a vendetta against Nick which culminated in a car crash involving the two men which almost resulted in Nick losing his life. After the birth, David had a DNA test conducted which showed that he was the father after all.
While Nick was coming round in hospital after several weeks in a coma, he started to show signs that he remembered the crash and David's responsibility for it. David was therefore distracted by Nick's bedside and not at home when the Rev Warren called for her pre-christening chat. Kylie had to look after the Vicar herself which proved difficult as she acknowledged that she wasn't a great believer in the Christian faith.
Just before the ceremony took place a few weeks later, Kylie made two discoveries - that David knew about her Christmas fling and that he had been responsible for the car crash. In the church and before the congregation, she had trouble keeping calm and it was when the Godparents were renouncing evil that she broke, telling David she wanted him stay away from her and her daughter. The ceremony ground to a halt and Audrey Roberts asked Esther for somewhere quiet for the family to discuss their latest fallout. They all turned against David and he was left alone in the church. Esther offered to listen to his troubles and he took her up on the offer, telling her he had lost the only thing he had ever cared about - his wife and kids.
List of appearances[]