Coronation Street Wiki


Part One: The rescue team wait until they're given the all-clear before re-entering the factory. Kate fears the worst as she can't hear Rana's voice through the open phone line. Drowning her sorrows in a bar, Carla ignores a call from Sarah. Peter and Ken return to the street when Daniel calls them with the news. Peter realises he loves Carla. David is stunned by the disaster, Nick less so. Ali joins the rescue team as they go back inside. Kate keeps the call with Rana going and is relieved when she finally comes to. Knowing she's going to die, Rana tells Kate she's sorry and she loves her. At her request, Ali takes over the call and tells Kate she's unlikely to survive. Kate loses control and screams in anguish as Carla arrives back in the street.

Part Two: Seeing the devastation around the factory, Carla leaves. Kate won't give up on Rana and refuses to let her say goodbye over the phone. Rana asks Imran to tell their mum she loves her. Imran distracts the police officers on the scene to allow Kate to go under the police line and enter the factory. She's allowed to stay by Rana's side as the rescue team prepares to move a beam that has Rana trapped. David extracts a confession from Nick that he knew the factory roof needed replacing. Nick refutes his brother's theory that the windfall he told Natalie about is the insurance payout from the factory. Peter finds Carla slumped on the cafe floor, convinced she's killed Rana. He takes her in his arms. At Rana's insistence, she and Kate exchange their vows. Rana passes away just after they put their rings on. Carla tells Peter she was warned about the faulty roof and did nothing. Peter takes a call from Michelle confirming Carla's worst fears. Outside the factory, Toyah comforts a grieving Imran while inside Kate cradles her fiancée's lifeless body.


Regular cast[]

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March 2019 episodes
Fri 1st • Mon 4th (1 2) • Wed 6th (1 2) • Thu 7th • Fri 8th (1 2)
Mon 11th (1 2) • Wed 13th (1 2) • Fri 15th • Mon 18th (1 2) • Wed 20th (1 2)
Sun 24th • Wed 27th (1 2) • Fri 29thSun 31st