Coronation Street Wiki


Part One: Ken chats with an inquisitive trolley pusher while giving Peter and Carla space to hammer things out. Peter reminds Carla that he's expressed the same sentiment to her in the past and been turned down flat. He believes she's confused and clutching at straws. Beth rings Rana with the news that her dress is ready to be picked up. Rana takes it as a sign that she should marry Kate today. Natalie offers to play Nick at table football and promises to walk away empty handed if she loses. The strikers lock themselves in the factory until their demands are met. Gina is the only one who's come prepared, carrying a bag full of phone chargers. They have second thoughts when they find out Kirk only brought biscuits for them to eat. Sally lets Rana inside to collect her dress. Craig tells Beth the strikers are trespassing and risk being arrested. Peter compares his feelings for Carla to his alcohol addiction; he may crave it but he can't drink as it'll kill him. Carla knows he's right and lets him go.

Part Two: Nick plays Natalie and loses by one goal. Natalie demands cash or a job. She agrees to wait when he says he's coming into a windfall soon. Gina and Sally argue over whose banner to hang from the roof. Gina offers an olive branch by suggesting they put Sally's at the front and hers at the back but once atop the scaffolding Sally vindictively drops Gina's banner over the side. David pulls Nick up on his claim about a windfall. Nick says he made it up to placate Natalie. Johnny tells Kate how proud he is of her as they set off for the venue. Craig appeals to the strikers to vacate the factory before he's obliged to report them. They stand firm. Alone with Gina on the roof, Sally tells her sister she should go away and leave her family in peace. Gina is crushed by her words and agrees to go. The roof creaks heavily while they argue. As Sally turns to climb the ladder back down, part of the roof caves in and Sally falls through the ceiling. Gina, safe on the scaffolding, looks on in horror.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



March 2019 episodes
Fri 1st • Mon 4th (1 2) • Wed 6th (1 2) • Thu 7th • Fri 8th (1 2)
Mon 11th (1 2) • Wed 13th (1 2) • Fri 15th • Mon 18th (1 2) • Wed 20th (1 2)
Sun 24th • Wed 27th (1 2) • Fri 29thSun 31st