Coronation Street Wiki
Coronation Street Wiki


Anna calmly tries to talk Owen out of his intended actions, telling him that it'll mean prison but once she manages to snatch the lighter from him, she rages at him. He breaks down and cries on her shoulder. Kevin and Sally arrive home to find Selina Rowley questioning Maddie and Sally realises she's been duped. A furious Maria discovers Marcus has picked up Liam and tells him that he can't wheedle his way back in that way. Katy tries to contact Owen as Faye's musical is about to start at Weatherfield Community Centre. At the site, Anna helps Owen clear up the mess and get rid of the smell of petrol. Peter's relieved when Tina tells him that she's got no intention of telling anyone about their affair but nevertheless she refuses to act in a friendly fashion towards him as the Barlows' meeting continues with Sid Altree. Selina gives Maddie time to think about what she's doing. Sophie defends her against Sally's fury at the way they've been treated. Gary can't face sitting through the musical worrying about Owen and leaves. Audrey warns Maria that by punishing Marcus, she's upsetting Liam. Beth announces her breast augmentation to the family. Gary turns up at the building site and blames himself for what he's found. Audrey tells Marcus to leave Maria be but not to expect miracles. Faye is upset that Anna, Owen and Gary didn't see the play. Kirk and Sinead try their best to talk Beth out of having breast implants. Sally tells Maddie she's no longer welcome and Sophie walks out with her. Anna finds Gary having a panic attack in the back garden. Marcus tells Maria he's going away for a few weeks to sort everything out but she tells him that she's not concerned. Hurt, he tells Todd to leave him alone. Gary runs out of the house when Anna tries to comfort him. Owen has had enough and tells Anna that it's game over as far as he's concerned.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



April 2014 episodes
Wed 2nd • Fri 4th (1 2) • Mon 7th (1 2) • Wed 9th
Fri 11th (1 2) • Mon 14th (1 2) • Wed 16th • Fri 18th (1 2) • Mon 21st (1 2)
Wed 23rd • Fri 25th (1 2) • Mon 28th (1 2) • Wed 30th