Coronation Street Wiki


Owen and Gary play dumb when Valerie questions them on Phelan's whereabouts. She thinks they're covering for him as his car is there. Dev and Stella are embarrassed at Dev trying to kiss her. Dev walks out when Tim makes cracks about it. Steve tells Andrea that Lloyd once tried to kiss Stella too. Stella apologises to Dev for giving him the wrong message. With Dev gone, the partygoers get bored and leave. Tina escapes from Carla and Michelle to have sex with Peter. She's annoyed when he keeps looking at his watch. Valerie turns up at No.6 in a state and tells Anna and Izzy about Phelan's disappearance. Sophie tells Eleanor Jacobs she's giving up her volunteer work. Maddie hears and is upset. Sophie gives her some money. Anna is indignant when Valerie blames Phelan's "other women" for keeping him away. She braces herself to tell Owen and Gary that Phelan made a pass at her, thinking it's the reason for his disappearance. Owen and Gary feign shock at her revelation. Maddie cries over Sophie leaving but doesn't let her see it. Dev amuses the Rovers' regulars by poking fun at his disastrous party. Owen doesn't like Anna blaming herself for what's happened but tells Gary it's better than telling her the truth. Tony makes an effort with Jason and Eva but is unapologetic about seeing Liz. Steph senses Tina's anguish and asks her if she's happy about her moving in. Tina says she's got a lot on. Phelan turns up in the street and insinuates to Gary and Owen that he plans to cause trouble for them.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



March 2014 episodes
Mon 3rd (1 2) • Wed 5th • Fri 7th (1 2) • Mon 10th (1 2)
Wed 12th • Fri 14th (1 2) • Mon 17th (1 2) • Wed 19th • Fri 21st (1 2)
Mon 24th (1 2) • Wed 26th • Fri 28th (1 2) • Mon 31st (1 2)