Coronation Street Wiki


Julie starts second-guessing herself over the fostering interview and worries she won't be able to handle children. Deirdre goes to Canada to be with Ken, missing Peter and Carla's wedding. Anna asks Sally what she thinks of Grace. Sally advises her to speak to Tim. After some kind words from Sally and Beth, Julie is feeling more upbeat and decides to decorate the spare room. Nick feels in the way at the bistro and walks out. Beth overtakes Sally in knicker production. Sally doesn't understand as she worked through her lunch hour. Sally is pleased when Carla puts her in charge while she's on her honeymoon. Tina goes to collect Simon from school but he's nowhere to be found. Peter and Leanne panic and call the police, only for Nick to turn up with Simon, having innocently picked him up from school without telling anyone. Realising the furore he's caused, Nick feels worthless. Faye and Grace witness Peter having a go at him. Grace thinks Faye feels sorry for Simon and ditches her. Faye is upset. Brian has enough of Julie getting her hopes up and tells her he spoke to Trudy Michaelson and they've been rejected on grounds of unsuitability. Julie thinks she must be the problem as Brian works with children. She feels her dreams shattering. Peter and Leanne agree that Simon should stay with Peter for a little longer and someone else should be present when Nick is with Simon. When told about their decision, Nick tells Leanne she's no longer a wife to him - she's a carer.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



November 2013 episodes
Fri 1st (1 2) • Mon 4th (1 2) • Wed 6th • Fri 8th (1 2)
Mon 11th (1 2) • Wed 13thSun 17th • Mon 18th (1 2) • Wed 20th
Fri 22nd (1 2) • Mon 25th (1 2) • Wed 27th • Fri 29th (1 2)