Coronation Street Wiki


John arrives in the Hoyles' cellar with ointment for Alan's head injury. Dorothy points out that Alan needs a doctor but John ignores her pleas. When Izzy bangs her arm, Gary's concerned and goes against her wishes by booking an appointment at the medical centre. Izzy's furious with him for overreacting but Gary assures her it's only because he cares. Owen starts work on the factory floor. John talks him into giving him a labouring job. Steve tries to talk Tracy out of leaving with Amy but her mind is made up. Xin excitedly prepares for her leaving party. Graeme's secretly saddened at the thought of her going. To buy him more time, John sabotages Owen's pneumatic drill. David insists that Max should be living with them and not with Steve and Becky. Kylie's evasive, not wanting him to find out about the £25,000. David suggests they get a child custody solicitor on board. Katy's upset that she still hasn't heard from Chesney, and asks Izzy if she'll accompany her to the abortion clinic. Izzy agrees but reckons she mustn't do anything rash. Owen's angry when the drill packs up, so delaying the digging up of the factory floor. David drags Kylie to the Rovers and demands that Becky hands over Max to his mother. Becky grabs David and pushes him out locking the door behind him. Chesney, Alan and Dorothy finally manage to break their bonds and start smashing their way out of the cellar door.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



May 2011 episodes
Sun 1st • Mon 2nd (1 2) • Thu 5th • Fri 6th (1 2) • Mon 9th (1 2)
Thu 12th • Fri 13th (1 2) • Mon 16th (1 2) • Thu 19th • Fri 20th (1 2) • Mon 23rd (1 2)
Thu 26th • Fri 27th (1 2) • Sun 29thMon 30thTue 31st