Coronation Street Wiki


Chesney secretly phones the Home Schooling Network and finds out Fiz is lying about her meeting that afternoon. Chesney's more suspicious than ever. Natasha's hurt when she finds out Tony lied to her about his business meeting when he was actually building a cot for Maria. Julie and Jason are sorting through Colin's things when Paula calls round to No.5. Julie's disgusted with her mother and blames her for Colin's death. Paula tries to defend her actions saying she went to the police because she wanted justice. Julie tells Paula to get out. Fiz goes to visit John in prison. She's horrified to see that he's been beaten up. Fiz cries tears of pity and admits to John she still loves him. Ryan convinces Michelle she must go on tour with the band and that he'll be fine staying at Phil's house. Chesney bribes Eddie into telling him where he dropped Fiz off in his cab. Natasha accuses Tony of preferring to spend time with Maria rather than her. Tony convinces her that he only feels pity for Maria. Julie and Jason give Eileen some mementos of Colin but Eileen's adamant they're of no interest to her. Chesney waits outside the prison. Eventually Fiz comes out and Chesney confronts her calling her a liar.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



May 2009 episodes
Fri 1st (1 2) • Mon 4th (1 2) • Wed 6th • Fri 8th (1 2)
Mon 11th (1 2) • Wed 13th • Fri 15th (1 2) • Mon 18th (1 2) • Wed 20th
Fri 22nd (1 2) • Mon 25th (1 2) • Tue 26thThu 28thFri 29th