Coronation Street Wiki


Eileen begs Paula to retract the allegations she's made against Colin but Paula refuses to be swayed. Ramsay and Norris row over their mother's death. Norris blames Ramsay for turning up the year before, but Ramsay defends his actions saying he just wanted to know his real mother. Paula tries to make Julie choose between her and Colin. She asks Julie if she'll provide a DNA sample to prove her case but Julie refuses to take sides. Luke flirts with Michelle and she agrees to meet him for a drink later. Colin's frightened he'll end up in prison. Eileen tries to reassure him it won't come to that, but Colin insists Eileen takes him to the police station. Tony builds the baby's cot for Maria. As Eileen and Colin wait for their taxi there's a knock at the door. It's the police. Julie lets slip to Chesney that she saw Fiz at the hospital. Chesney's worried she might be ill. The police want to question Colin but Eileen refuses to let them in telling them he's a sick old man. Peter asks Michelle round for dinner but he's disappointed when she turns him down saying she's already got plans. Under pressure, Eileen lets the police into No.11, but they're too late, Colin is dead.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • Renny Krupinski was credited as the Fight Arranger on this episode.
  • TV Times synopsis: Colin is terrified at the prospect of prison after Paula's claim that she reported him to the police; Julie looks set to land Fiz in hot water; and Peter faces disappointment.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 9,700,000 viewers (3rd place).
May 2009 episodes
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Mon 11th (1 2) • Wed 13th • Fri 15th (1 2) • Mon 18th (1 2) • Wed 20th
Fri 22nd (1 2) • Mon 25th (1 2) • Tue 26thThu 28thFri 29th