Coronation Street Wiki


Roy and Hayley attend Aunty Monica's funeral. A couple of family members are openly hostile towards Hayley but Roy puts them in their place. Norris continues to behave oddly and tells Doreen and Jodie how he's still in his prime. Kirk looks after the butchers while Ashley and Claire go to collect her things from her mum's house. While Ashley's out, Casey calls in the shop looking for him. Jerry and Eileen tentatively arrange to meet for a drink but Jerry finds he's too busy in the takeaway. Eileen's worried she's been stood up. Hayley's Uncle Bert gives her a box containing a few of Aunty Monica's treasured possessions saying she wanted Hayley to have them. As Hayley and Becky sort through the things, Hayley comes across two letters addressed to "Harold". Casey phones Ashley and begs him to give her another chance but he firmly explains that he doesn't love her and that he's back with his wife. Norris, George and Ivor imagine what it would be like to meet Angela again in the after-life. Norris reckons Angela's heaven would involve a golf course. As Ashley and Claire walk arm in arm down the street they're unaware of Casey watching them from her car. Hayley goes out for a walk and reads the letters. Horrified, she rips them up.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • TV Times synopsis: Hayley faces hostility from her family when she attends her aunt's funeral, and the discovery of a letter addressed to her leaves her in a state of shock; Claire moves back in with Ashley, although Casey refuses to leave the couple alone; and Betty is intrigued by what Norris says to his friends.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 8,610,000 viewers (6th place).
August 2007 episodes
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