Coronation Street Wiki


David arranges to meet Mel at the cinema. Amber's put out and tells Sarah about his date. Paul takes Molly flat-hunting and offers to buy a present for Jack to give Vera on their 50th wedding anniversary. Cilla's working as a cleaner in the nursing home. She's rude to one of the residents, Frank Nichols. Liza the manager reprimands her. Sally, Kevin, Rosie and Sophie leave for their holiday in Greece. Sarah scuppers David's date with Mel. She tells Mel how David's got a crush on her and how he's a bit of a psycho. Mel's grateful for the warning. David waits at the cinema for Mel but soon realises he's been stood up. Cilla discovers Frank Nichols is very wealthy. She starts being lovely to him and makes sure she reveals her stockings when she's cleaning the window. Audrey tries to talk to Ashley again and warns him off Casey but Ashley closes the door on her. Jack gets out some cash to give to Paul. Paul sees the tin contains money and all of Jack and Vera's pension books. He makes a mental note. David arrives home hurt and angry. Sarah enjoys telling him that she was responsible for ruining his date.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • The scenes at Badgerbrook Nursing Home were recorded at the rectory of St. Mary’s Church, in Church Lane, Prestwich.
  • TV Times synopsis: David learns that Sarah’s interference is the reason Mel failed to show up for their date; Cilla begins work at the care home and starts flirting with one of the OAPs when she realises he comes from a well-off background; and Jack entrusts Paul with the task of buying a present for Vera.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 9,150,000 viewers (4th place).
August 2007 episodes
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