Coronation Street Wiki


Rosie's enjoying her job at Underworld. Liam and Carla chat to her as one of their team. Sally's proud of how well she's fitted in. Lloyd and Jamie continue to torment Steve over his holiday romance but he refuses to give anything away - worried that Michelle will find out. Sarah's worried that Jason isn't taking any interest in their wedding plans. David goads her suggesting Jason doesn't really want to get married. Casey makes Claire think that the factory girls are talking about her when they aren't at all. Claire's paranoia continues to escalate and she accuses Hayley of gossiping. Norris is preoccupied. Emily and Doreen assume it must be the upset of the funeral. When Norris makes a reference to wives past and future they're intrigued. Carla moves back into her flat in the Quays. Liam calls in to check she's okay. Ashley tries to tackle Claire over her paranoia and suggests she's mentally unwell again. Claire refuses to listen and Ashley's frustrated. Under pressure from Lloyd and Jamie, Eileen tells them in confidence how Shania was actually a man. They're delighted with such a great piece of gossip. Casey manipulates Claire suggesting she should go away for a while until she feels better. Claire's grateful to have such a good friend.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • TV Times synopsis: Casey seizes the opportunity to increase Claire's paranoia and offers her drastic advice - which she unwittingly takes to heart; Carla decides it's time to move out of Michelle's flat; Eileen accidentally lets slip about Shania; and Norris remains tight-lipped about his new friends.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 8,260,000 viewers (5th place).
August 2007 episodes
Wed 1stFri 3rdSun 5th • Mon 6th (1 2) • Wed 8thFri 10th
Sun 12th • Mon 13th (1 2) • Wed 15thFri 17thSun 19th • Mon 20th (1 2)
Wed 22ndFri 24thSun 26th • Mon 27th (1 2) • Wed 29thFri 31st