Coronation Street Wiki
Coronation Street Wiki


After spotting Claire in a dressing gown, Norris excitedly tells Rita that Claire has obviously spent the night with Ashley at No.4. Peter has spent a restless night and a supportive Ken agrees to accompany him to the police station to hear the CPS's verdict. Shelley agrees with Sunita and Bev that she wants Peter punished, but says she doesn't feel as strongly as Lucy does. Ciaran notes her discomfort. Tracy comes on to a disinterested Steve. Fred returns from Scotland and is quickly filled in on the gossip by Norris. He's pleased at the thought of Ashley and Claire together, but later realises that nothing has gone on. Maya is proving elusive and is giving Dev the runaround. Les and Lulu arrange another early evening rendezvous. In a panic to get back before his 7.00pm curfew, and unable to explain his hurry to Lulu, he leaves a trainer behind. His feet are ruined after running home in his socks, but he's officially in love. Katy and Angela eat at the flat, where they enjoy each other's company. Lucy comes to the Rovers, excited at the prospect of hearing the CPS's verdict. Peter comes in to tell Shelley that the CPS is not going to prosecute because the offence was short-lived. Lucy is aghast to hear that he's going to get away with a caution. She can't believe that they let him off, especially after Shelley's statement.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



Notable dialogue[]

Fred Elliott (about his trip to Scotland): "You've never seen higher quality slaughterhouses... cleaner than most homes. I'm taking our Joshua when he gets bigger."

October 2003 episodes
Wed 1stFri 3rdSun 5th • Mon 6th (1 2) • Wed 8thFri 10th
Sun 12th • Mon 13th (1 2) • Wed 15thFri 17thSun 19th • Mon 20th (1 2)
Wed 22ndFri 24thSun 26th • Mon 27th (1 2) • Wed 29thFri 31st