Coronation Street Wiki


Alan talks Carole Burns into having a burglar alarm fitted and finds her attractive. Deirdre takes her driving test but fails it. Don's cab-driver friend Willy Murtough gives Jack his suit back, saying he left it in his car. He wants to sell it back to the shop but Vera tells him he's keeping it and taking her out for a meal. Alan flirts with Carole who encourages him. Martin doesn't like it. Deirdre accuses Ken of not giving her any help with her driving. He assures her that he'll help her in future. Percy gets the job of school crossing warden and takes possession of his lollipop. Jack is forced to go down the cellar in his new suit. The jacket is ripped on a nail. Fiona Cavanagh tells Ken that the Clarion Group is in financial trouble and Nick has disappeared.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • This episode was transmitted at 6.15pm due to coverage of the European Football Championship.
  • TV Times synopsis: Martin Platt is enjoying his new job, but all good things come to an end, and, besides, Alan isn't easily impressed.
  • Viewing Figures: First UK broadcast - 8,350,000 viewers (16th place).
June 1988 episodes
Wed 1stMon 6thWed 8thMon 13th
Wed 15thMon 20thWed 22ndMon 27thWed 29th