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It's Christmas Eve: Emily is a bag of nerves as she enters the Mission Hall to tune her sore throat and practice her lines. Ena agrees to play the piano before the play for Swindley as a seasonal favour. The residents try to make mend with Jed's costumes, although Minnie doesn't go down too well as a gaiety girl. Elsie, Linda and Ivan aren't keen on seeing the play. Christine hires her own period dress. Concepta offers Lucille's babysitting services for the Cheveskis so they can see the play and they can't refuse in front of Christine. Emily starts to panic as curtain-up nears. Nugent Hunt sends a telegram of luck to the cast. Jed invites a group of his friends to the play. A record of sound effects that Jed provides proves unsuitable. Harry and Concepta agree to go for a night on the town with Len after the play. Ena opens with Land of Hope and Glory wearing a golden hairnet for the occasion. Valerie is hassled by the cast about her make-up. Emily's stage fright gets worse. The curtain gets stuck so Ena leads everyone in sing-songs as they wait until they're fixed. Jed prompts and Albert gets stuck in the French window as he tries to exit the stage. The audience find the sight of their neighbours in costume, the stilted acting and the hackneyed dialogue funnier than it was intended to be. Emily forgets her lines and her tiara falls off, prompting hilarity. She grows hysterical and in the interval is plied with tranquillisers and whisky. The second half goes somewhat better and the applause at the end is genuine but the audience runs out as Swindley tries to make a speech. After they have gone, a drugged-up Emily faints into his arms.

Cast of Lady Lawson Loses
Mrs Gilda Montefiore (aka Lady Lawson) - Emily Nugent
Duchess of Bannock - Annie Walker
Gerald, Duke of Bannock - Kenneth Barlow
Lady Priscilla Dauntsey - Christine Appleby
Hon. Reggie Fitzgerald - Harry Hewitt
Manders - Albert Tatlock
Duke of Selina - Frank Barlow
Lady Rhona Philbeach - Minnie Caldwell
Mrs Savage - Concepta Hewitt
Nellie, the maid - Florrie Lindley


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]




December 1962 episodes
Mon 3rdWed 5thMon 10thWed 12thMon 17th
Wed 19thMon 24thWed 26thMon 31st