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Part One: Fearful that Justin may have found out the date of their wedding from Christina, Daisy calls the venue to reschedule everything. Hope is still sulking that she wasn't believed by Fiz and Tyrone about Beth slapping her. Daisy finds out the only available date at the venue is at the end of the month and brings everything forward. Kirk has spent the night in Peanut’s room, rather than sleep with Beth. She is admonished by Carla for being late to work as Kirk didn't wake her up as usual. Having had an awful night’s sleep and missed her lecture, Steve worries about Amy. A contrite Beth hands Fiz a letter of apology for Hope. Fiz reads it and promises to pass it on. Summer and Aaron find Amy studying in the cafe. Making excuses, she hurriedly leaves to get away from them after having promised to meet Summer for a drink later on. Once she has gone, Summer asks Aaron to bring his friend along to meet Amy. Rhona from the wedding dress boutique calls at the Rovers and tells Daisy that they have a problem with supplying her.

Part Two: Rhona tells Daisy that they’ve had a call from Justin accusing her of assault and they’re no longer prepared to lend her a dress as the publicity could damage their reputation. She offers to sell her the dress instead. Daisy’s gutted. Faye is distracted at work, admitting to Sally that Jackson being back in touch has thrown her as she knows Tim would love to see Miley again. Daniel hears from a tearful Daisy that the photographer, the florist and the caterers are also cancelling their sponsorship. She is adamant that if she can't have the wedding of her dreams, she doesn't want a wedding at all. Aware that she’s been avoiding Tim lately, Faye agrees to a night out with him. Daisy accuses Daniel of being happy that Justin's actions mean that he is getting the simpler wedding that he wants. Hope offers Sam her help with designing a diorama for a project at school. Maria finds out what Beth did. Although disapproving of her actions, she tells her to find a way to remind Kirk that she’s a good person underneath. Feeling apprehensive at No.1, Daisy assures Ken that she is fine when he leaves to meet Audrey. When Amy realises Aaron is there for their drink too and is expecting his mate, she makes excuses and leaves. A crying Beth shows Kirk the memory box of their time together that they have kept, assuring him that she loves him. Kirk’s touched, but asks for more time. Daisy is terrified when Justin calls at No.1 and lets himself in the back door.

Part Three: Daisy cannot get any sense through to Justin who insists that they love each other and everything he has done has been for her. Amy bumps into Summer and has to pretend that her strange behaviour is due to how hurt she feels over Jacob. Telling Kirk about the letter that Beth wrote, Fiz suggests it's time they drew a line under the matter. Daisy tries to keep calm as Justin tells her he wants them to have a quiet wedding as he is not close to his family, but suggests they splash out on a honeymoon in Venice. Ken waylays Daniel and suggests they go for a drink but instead he goes home and finds Justin in front of his terrified fiancé. Trying to keep his temper, he orders him out of the house. Hope isn't impressed by Beth’s letter. The cunning girl plays on Tyrone’s feelings of guilt by getting him to help with the diorama. When Faye’s phone buzzes with a message from Jackson, she quickly covers in front of Tim. Determined to call the police again, Daniel says Justin has gone too far this time.

Part Four: Craig tells Daisy and Daniel that Justin cannot be charged with forced entry or damage to property as he let himself in through an unlocked door. Daniel tries to assure Daisy that Justin's actions will help at the court hearing tomorrow. Kirk approaches a lonely Beth in the Rovers but is put out when he finds a letter from Marco in their memory box and walks out on her. Summer suggests to Aaron that they shouldn’t leave Amy on her own to try and get over Jacob. Hope passes on Tyrone’s finished diorama to an amazed Sam who feels guilty about passing it off as his own work. Amy hears of Daisy’s ordeal and finds parallels with her own troubles at the hands of a man. Beth shows Glenda Marco’s social media profile, and seeing that he has returned to Manchester from New Zealand, the barmaid mischievously sends him a friend request from Beth’s phone. Peter tells Daniel that if Justin harassed Carla the way he is doing Daisy, he would do more than have a quiet word with him. Craig books a hotel and spa for Faye’s birthday. Accompanied by Peter, Daniel sees Justin still hanging around. When Justin states it would be better for Daisy to have cancer then waste her time on Daniel, he sees red and violently attacks him. Peter lets Daniel get a couple of punches in before leading his brother away.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]


Location 10896 10897
Coronation Street Main street view
Rovers Return Inn Public and back room Public
1 Coronation Street Back room, kitchen and hallway
4 Coronation Street N/A Downstairs rooms
9 Coronation Street Hallway Back room/kitchen and hallway
Underworld Sales office, machine area, breakout area and packing area N/A
Rosamund Street N/A Main street view
Victoria Street Main street view
Roy's Rolls Cafe N/A
19a Victoria Street N/A Living room/kitchen
Weatherfield Precinct N/A Parade


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