Coronation Street Wiki
Coronation Street Wiki


Part One: Todd is offered a job at his friend's new firm in Bromsgrove. Eileen is aghast when he tells her he's considering taking it to get away from Billy. The doctors run blood tests on Glory to find out the cause of her anaemia. Ed grits his teeth as Michael invites Ronnie to visit Glory at the hospital. Paul tells Todd that he rebuffed Jimmi as he's not ready to move on from Billy yet. Leanne wants everyone besides her and Simon kept away from the flat so they aren't put in danger. Billy quizzes Paul about his night out. Paul tells him it's none of his business. Dev is upset to see Asha so unhappy and suggests she sort things out with Nina. Todd is secretly pleased when Billy confirms that he was only concerned for Paul's welfare, and isn't after a reconciliation. Aggie doesn't want Ronnie left alone with Michael but Ed notes that without Ronnie's cooperation, there's nothing he can do. Todd tells Eileen he's taken the Bromsgrove job, letting her believe that Billy has chased him away.

Part Two: Simon lies to Nick that Leanne is seeing someone else in a bid to keep him away from the flat. Eileen calls Billy out on his pettiness over Paul. Billy is puzzled by her outburst and shocked to hear that Todd is leaving because of him. Social services agree to place Kelly with Toyah and Imran. Ronnie asks a nurse if Glory could have inherited his sickle cell disease but has to say that he's Michael's father. Asha and Nina agree that they shouldn't avoid each other. Corey asks Asha out now that she's no longer with Nina. Asha agrees. The blood test results confirm that Glory doesn't have sickle cell. Ronnie admits that he lied to get the info when the nurse addresses him as Michael's dad in front of Michael. Todd clears the air with Billy, telling him that Eileen misunderstood and he's taking the job as it'll help his career. Billy is stunned when Todd declares his love for him and says he'd turn the job down if they got back together.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



March 2021 episodes
Mon 1st (1 2) • Wed 3rd (1 2) • Fri 5th • Mon 8th (1 2)
Wed 10th (1 2) • Fri 12th • Mon 15th (1 2) • Wed 17th (1 2) • Fri 19th
Mon 22nd (1 2) • Wed 24th (1 2) • Fri 26th • Mon 29th (1 2)