Coronation Street Wiki


Part One: Gail tries to protect Nick by saying that she was guessing, and her words don't reflect Nick's true feelings. As Leanne lays into her, Nick cuts in to say that Gail was telling the truth. Dev promises the twins he'll do better in future and at their request, he agrees to set the wheels in motion for moving them back to Weatherfield High, thus solving his financial woes. Dev makes a further gesture by inviting Corey round for dinner. Nick argues that the right thing for Oliver might be to let him go. Leanne sees it as a betrayal and forbids him from seeing Oliver. Sean worries that he has nothing to offer Dylan. Dev warms to Corey when he finds out that his dad is a golfer. No.4 is valued at £145,000. Sally asks Debbie why Geoff is saying she provoked him. She admits she may have exaggerated a bit. Leanne lumps Nick in with the doctors who have given up on Oliver. Nick begs her to admit that deep down, she knows it's over.

Part Two: Corey asks Asha if they can spend more quality time together now that she's on the pill. Michael doesn't tell James that he's seen Grace and asks his brother not to tell their parents that she's been in touch. Simon puts the Dictaphone back for Wendy Caple to find. Gail makes sure Nick and Leanne don't get into trouble by reminding Wendy that her carelessness could have a cost. Sean decides to change his life and become someone that Dylan can look up to. The Metcalfes receive an offer of the full asking price for No.4. Sally's thrilled as the house hasn't even been listed yet. Expecting the offers to come flooding in, she decides to hold out for more, ignoring Debbie's advice to grab the offer while it's going. Faye tells Craig he's the best mate she's ever had and asks him out. He eagerly accepts. Debbie reprimands Ray for pouncing on No.4 too quickly. Leanne thinks Nick doesn't care about Oliver now that he has Sam in his life, noting that he changed the moment he met his son. She questions their future together.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this episode was made with social distancing rules being observed by both cast and production crew, even when they were playing family members or people who shared residences.
  • TV Times synopsis: Debbie urges Sally to accept the offer on her house; and Dev puts the wheels in motion when the twins ask to return to Weatherfield High.
  • Viewing Figures: First UK broadcast: 5,796,928 viewers (15th place).
November 2020 episodes
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