Coronation Street Wiki

Edison George "Ed" Bailey is the builder husband of Aggie Bailey, father of Michael, Dee-Dee and James and brother of Ronnie.

The Baileys moved to Coronation Street in 2019 after downsizing from their previous home in Alderley Edge due to financial issues caused by Ed's gambling addiction. Ed also bought the builder's yard as premises for his already-established joinery business, EGB Construction, and in 2023 he expanded his horizons by going into business with Ronnie, creating EdiRon Developments.

However, with success came temptation and when Ed gambled away the company funds, Ronnie dissolved their partnership. Michael turned against Ed when he borrowed money against the house to pay gambling debts. When he allowed the yard to be gutted by fire in an insurance scam, Michael reported his fall off the wagon to Aggie, in the dark thus far due to her being in Birmingham nursing her Auntie Marcelle. Aggie then finished with Ed for good. He remains in residence at 3 Coronation Street.


Ken do something
"Ken, do something!"
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In June 2019, following the departure of the previous owner Norris Cole, Ed purchased 3 Coronation Street and began annoying neighbours including Ken Barlow and Chesney Brown by noisily redeveloping the property. When challenged Ed posed as just being the builder and enjoyed winding the pair up by pretending that the new family consisted of ten children who each played musical instruments and owned a number of exotic animals, including a monkey. Eventually, Ken demanded to speak to the owner of the property and, after Ed pointed him in the direction of his wife Aggie, Ken's son-in-law Steve McDonald paid her a visit to inquire about the noise. Aggie soon put Steve straight by informing him that Ed was her husband and that there were only two children living with them, Michael and James, before apologising for Ed's teasing.

At the same time, Ed also took control of the Builder's Yard that had previously been owned by Jason Grimshaw. His mother Eileen, who had overseen the business for years in her son's absence, showed Ed around the site and also informed him about the previous manager Gary Windass, who had nearly run the business into the ground after becoming involved with loan shark Rick Neelan. This led to Ed turning Gary away when he asked about a job.

Not long after the family arrived it transpired that Steve had met James before, as he had threatened him and his friends when they refused to pay their taxi fare leading to James being hit by a car only the month prior. The revelation horrified both Ed and Aggie, with Ed being fearful that the accident could have cost James his career playing for Weatherfield County, and the Baileys turned against the Barlows. However, after being bought a drink at the Rovers Return by Tracy McDonald the two families decided to leave the incident in the past. Later, Michael also caused trouble for the couple when he took Michelle Connor back to their old house and was reported to the police by the neighbours - who believed he was an intruder as the property should have been empty - forcing his parents to turn up and vouch for him.


Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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Background information[]

Duckworths 1983
"If you've owt to say, spit it out before it flamin' well chokes yer"
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First and last lines[]

"How'd you do?" (First line, to his new neighbour Ken Barlow)


List of addresses[]

Address Duration
Alderley Edge Unknown to 12th June 2019
3 Coronation Street 12th June 2019 to 27th December 2023
15a Coronation Street 29th December 2023 to 24th January 2024
3 Coronation Street 24th January 2024 onwards

Employment history[]

Role Institution Duration
Builder EGB Construction Unknown

See also[]

Current characters
Ken Barlow | Rita Tanner | Gail Rodwell | Tracy McDonald | Audrey Roberts | Nick Tilsley | Kevin Webster | Debbie Webster | Jenny Connor | Sally Metcalfe | Sarah Platt | Steve McDonald | David Platt | Daniel Osbourne | Roy Cropper | Leanne Battersby | Toyah Habeeb | Tyrone Dobbs | Dev Alahan | Eileen Grimshaw | Maria Connor | Kirk Sutherland | Bethany Platt | Adam Barlow | Todd Grimshaw | Fiz Dobbs | Sean Tully | Chesney Winter-Brown | Amy Barlow | Aadi Alahan | Asha Alahan | Ryan Connor | Carla Connor | Dylan Wilson | Gary Windass | Mary Taylor | Liam Connor | Brian Packham | Izzy Armstrong | Max Turner | Jack Webster | Hope Dobbs | Craig Tinker | Joseph Brown | Ruby Dobbs | Tim Metcalfe | Jake Windass | Lily Platt | Alya Nazir | Yasmeen Metcalfe | Gemma Winter-Brown | Billy Mayhew | Alex Warner | Harry Platt | Shona Platt | Summer Spellman | Abi Webster | Evelyn Plummer | Bertie Osbourne | Alina Pop | Ed Bailey | Michael Bailey | Bernie Winter | Aled Winter-Brown | Bryn Winter-Brown | Carys Winter-Brown | Llio Winter-Brown | Nina Lucas | George Shuttleworth | Sam Blakeman | Daisy Midgeley | Ronnie Bailey | Lisa Swain  | Glory Bailey | Stu Carpenter | Alfie Franklin | Glenda Shuttleworth | Dee-Dee Bailey | Lauren Bolton | Cassie Plummer | Joel Deering | Bobby Crawford