Diana Kenton was an old friend of Wendy Nightingale’s from their days at boarding school and Sheffield University. When Wendy and Ken Barlow had an affair in the spring of 1976, it brought Wendy’s marriage to husband Roger to a seeming end however she told Ken she needed some peace in which to think and refused to move in with him at 11 Coronation Street. After leaving her alone for a couple of weeks, Ken contacted her at Diana’s and again tried to persuade her to move in with him. Diana was loyal to Wendy’s marriage and made it quite clear that she despised Ken and was not happy about him calling at her house. Wendy was somewhat under the stronger woman’s influence, Diana having "looked after" Wendy in the past, but she managed to free herself of this and move in with Ken. The move was not successful, as Wendy never felt at home in the scruffy back street and, after only a few weeks, she told Ken that she was going to meet up with Diana but her real assignation was with Roger at a restaurant where he persuaded her to come back to him.