The Delivery Boy was a cheeky young lad who did deliveries for Meakin's, the corner shop's supplier. In 1965, he flirted with shop assistant Irma Ogden while doing a drop-off in Coronation Street. Coming on strong, as Irma signed for the groceries he told the young woman that she was gorgeous and asked her if she'd like to go dancing with him. Irma gently gave the boy the brush-off, replying that she was giving up dancing, before turning him down more forcefully when the eager lad pinched her bottom. Having just entered through the ginnel and witnessed the bottom-pinching, Irma's boyfriend David Barlow waited until the delivery boy had left before rowing with Irma for supposedly encouraging the lad. Irma made no apology for her behaviour, telling David that either he put up with her or found someone else.