Coronation Street Wiki

DC Weller was the police detective heading the investigating team after David Platt had pushed his mother, Gail, down the stairs of their home in March 2008. Gail's lack of memory about the event meant that the police officer was unable to gather evidence to make a prosecution but events took a different turn one month later when David went on a destructive rampage down the street and ended up being arrested, tried and imprisoned for this offence. Gail protected her son by not informing then that her fall down the stairs was due to malicious intent, even after David had confessed to her.

DC Weller returned to the Street in December of that year to investigate Maria Connor's suspicions that Tony Gordon had murdered her husband Liam. Tony made clever efforts to discredit Maria's accusations, in particular by bringing Jed Stone into the Rovers after he was the subject of another of Maria's accusations that Tony had committed murder.

DC Weller next turned up in May 2009 at No.11 to interview Colin Grimshaw about his former relationship with underage Paula Carp. However, the police discovered that Colin had just passed away and they were unable to proceed with the matter.

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