Coronation Street Wiki
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Corriepedia is an online Coronation Street database written collaboratively by its users.

As it is a Wiki, membership is not required to create or edit pages. All we ask is that you are accurate in your contributions and have excellent writing skills. If you wish to contribute, please remember that we have a strict "no spoilers" policy and that we have a manual of style which we would ask you to read before you begin as this contains important rules regarding categories, rotas and composition style. Our goal is to have comprehensive articles on every episode, character, location and actor from Coronation Street and its spin-offs, which might seem like a tall order but we have already achieved one of those goals and are a long way towards two of the others.

If you have reached this page upon first entering the site and would like suggestions about how to progress further in your reading, may we suggest that you try our main index page which guides you to more detailed sections to help you navigate round the site.

Enjoy browsing!
